UoN ranked 7th in Africa 2020
University of Nairobi has been ranked 7 among the top 10 universities in Africa in 2020 by the African Exponent.
The African exponent has ranked universities in Africa based on licenses, accreditation by the relevant bodies in each country, mode of delivery of the courses; teaching and learning, four year undergraduate degree  and post graduate programs offered.
This publication also matched the ranking released by unirank of top 200 universities.
University of Pretoria, University of Capetown and University of Witwatersrand took position 1, 2 and 3 respectively. University of Lagos, University of Nairobi and Cairo University are the only other universities from other regions in Africa in the top 10 apart from the South African region.
University of Nairobi is the only University from East Africa and Kenya that has been ranked.
According to the Africa exponent website the aim of the ranking is to provide a non-academic table of the top Universities in Africa based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the Universities themselves.
This ranking is based on academic prestige, scholarly excellence and intellectual horsepower.


UoN ranked 7th in Africa 2020

UoN ranked 7th in Africa 2020
University of Nairobi has been ranked 7 among the top 10 universities in Africa in 2020 by the African Exponent.
The African exponent has ranked universities in Africa based on licenses, accreditation by the relevant bodies in each country, mode of delivery of the courses; teaching and learning, four year undergraduate degree  and post graduate programs offered.
This publication also matched the ranking released by unirank of top 200 universities.
University of Pretoria, University of Capetown and University of Witwatersrand took position 1, 2 and 3 respectively. University of Lagos, University of Nairobi and Cairo University are the only other universities from other regions in Africa in the top 10 apart from the South African region.
University of Nairobi is the only University from East Africa and Kenya that has been ranked.
According to the Africa exponent website the aim of the ranking is to provide a non-academic table of the top Universities in Africa based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the Universities themselves.
This ranking is based on academic prestige, scholarly excellence and intellectual horsepower.